Monday, 6 October 2014

Importance of Multi Colored Beaded Necklace for Women

We are all affected by the colors we wear, both in our clothes and jewelry accessories. Many people believe that colors of beads and gemstones reflect metaphysical energy. It would be really useful to learn about the implications of colors and flaunt your jewelry accessories to convey any powerful statement.
Understanding Basic Colors
When the color red is incorporated in silver sterling earrings for women, it usually denotes confidence, courage, vitality and action. The color red is associated with warmth or even danger. It brings into focus the very essence of passion and living.
Sometimes, brown tinged beads and stones become a part of necklaces. Brown is a very stable color and it signifies order and convention, wholeness, dependability and naturalness. Examples include sunset jasper, tiger eye and agate.
Yellow stands for wisdom, joy and intellectual energy. People incorporate stones such as yellow jade or opal in their jewelry to give out a message of happiness.
Most people know that the color green signifies self respect, nature and well being. You can purchase sterling silver ear rings with stones such emeralds, jade or peridot to convey your desire to grow.
The color blue helps you feel calm; it is associated with spirituality, peace and youth.
Black can be used to make a power statement of resilience and self control. Use black onyx or black tourmaline to add to your aura.
Fun and Rewarding

You can have a lot of fun by matching multi colored beaded necklace sets with your outfit. They are perfect to symbolize harmony and your unique energy. So why not use stunning jewelry pieces to add a little fantasy, imagination and mystery to your persona?